• Project Number:


  • Project Duration:

    36 months (1/9/2016 - 31/8/2019)

  • Project Holder:

    ProgettoMondo Mlal Verona (Italy)

  • Project’s Total Value:

    € 447,510.00

Performing actions and research aimed at pupils’ lack of motivation and prevention of early education abandonment whose percentage is extremely high in some of our partner countries, whilst in another partner countries that percentage is not a reason for concern, but the level of education which youth achieve is a problem.

To enable EU youth a right to continue their education in a quality manner in order for them to be active citizens in their local, and EU communities which also gives them better opportunities to find a job.

Young people age 15-29 with a focus on youth with less possibilities and on NEET groups (not in education or employment system).

Project activities are focused on teachers, decision-makers, local government and self-government representatives, high school students, educators, coaches, experts working with and for the youth, volunteers

  • Qualitative research of various influences of early education abandonment in rural and urban context (interviews, focus groups, gathering of life stories)
  • Joint teacher and experts working with and for the youth educations about examples of good practices aimed at the prevention of early education abandonment (within and outside of educational institutions)
  • Creating an “Integrated Local Plans” manual made in all of the previous activities

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Community News

Treći partnerski sastanak nakon prve godine provedbe projekta Below 10 održan je u rujnu 2017. godine na Sveučilištu Northampton (Engleska). Na sastanku su sudjelovali predstavnici partnerskih organizacija iz Italije, Rumunjske, Portugala, Francuske, Engleske i Hrvatske...

Nakon analize situacije o mjerama, strategijama i drugim relevantnim pokazateljima o ranom napuštanju školovanja na području grada Osijeka i općine Erdut, ali i cijele Hrvatske, započeli smo s fokus grupama s raznim dionicima i mladima. ...

Pripreme za istraživanje o ranom napuštanju školovanja Kako bismo zajednički prošli kroz projektne zadatke i aktivnosti koji nam predstoje u projektu "Below 10", u Lisabonu je od 1. do 4. ožujka održan 2. transnacionalni sastanak svih partnera. ...

Na prvom zajedničkom sastanku u Veroni održanome u studenome 2016. godine, sastalo se 7 partnerskih organizacija iz šest EU zemalja (Velika Britanija, Italija, Francuska, Rumunjska, Portugal, Hrvatska) kako bi dogovorili i konkretizirali aktivnosti u sklopu projekta "Below 10". ...