Breza panelist na online multiplier eventu na Malti
36 months (1/9/2017 - 31/8/2020)
University of Malta - Department for Sustainable Development
€ 219,124.00
Design, test, improve and spread new mentorship and peer mentorship model in education for sustainable development (OOR). That will be achieved in process of action research which will directly include around 20 educational experts, teachers and mentors, and around 50 teachers as mentors in local test groups.
Teachers/professors, sustainable development experts, high school students and students
Comite National de Soldarite Laique (France), Consorzio degli Instituti Professionali (Italy), ProgettoMono Mlal (Italy), Skolski cener Nova Gorica (Slovenia), Udruga za rad s mladima Breza (Croatia)
Study on good EU practices in the field of mentorship and peer mentorship; System which can recognise and confirm “Mentors for Sustainable Development” new competencies; Guidelines for educational experts who want to participate as OOR mentors; Guidelines for teachers/professors who want to be included in the mentorship and peer mentorship system; Set of didactic materials on some of the relevant Global challenges in form of „web tasks“
U sklopu Peerment projekta, održan poslednji partnerski sastanak...
U sklopu Peerment projeka izradili smo WebQuest materijale o održivom razvoju...
Treći partnerski sastanak u Parizu...
Nakon što smo se educirali i upoznali o vrstama mentoriranja - kao sustručnjačko i vršnjačko učenje...
Udruga za rad s mladima Breza provodi u partnerstvu Erasmus + projekt Peermentoring for teachers Change Builders ...
Peer podrška o održivom razvoju uz IT alate...
Aktivnosti u sklopu Erasmus + projekta "Peerment" nastavljene su partnerskim sastankom u Školskom centru u Novoj Gorici u Sloveniji...
Evo nas u još jednom Erasmus + projektu iz područja KA2 strateškoga partnerstva (inovacije i razmjene dobrih praksi) zajedno s partnerima iz Malte, Italije, Francuske i Slovenije....