Predstavljanje projekta Start the Change lokalnim dionicima
36 months (1/10/2017 - 30/9/2020)
ProgettoMondo Mlal (Italy)
€ 6,139 637.00 (the amount it belongs to Udruzi Breza is € 270,840.00)
With this project we start to develop European civil awareness and critical understanding of interdependent world and his role by educational model on global active citizenship with the aim of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with special focus on connection between migrations and inequality
e-mail: | FACEBOOK: Start The Change | web:
Young people age 15-24
Designing, carrying out and implementation of educational paths intended for students and young people in 12 EU countries which deal with subjects related to global interdependence with special focus on analysis of relationship between migration and global inequality. Activities are conducted throughout all three school years (2017/2018, 2018/2019, 2019/2020).
Creating/strengthening new forms of inclusion of young people in local educational and transnational communities for achieving youth activism in relation to SDG and all migration factors.
Establishing cooperation and networking with schools and local non-governmental organisations in 12 EU countries with the aim of including schools and non-governmental organisations into promotion of public education and global partnerships for SDG
Udruga Breza (Croatia), Südwind Salzburg (Austria), UMFREO (France), Amnestiy International Slovenia (Slovenia), Highland One World (Scotland – UK), Kate Stuttgart (Germany), Amnesty International Poland (Poland), Cz-Art (Poland), Amnesty International Czech Republic (Czech Republic), Amnesty International Slovakia (Slovakia), Asociación Madre Coraje (Spain), Amnesty International Italy (Italy), CISV (Italy), Amici de Populi (Italy)
Breza youth association is a partner in a three year long European START THE CHANGE project which started in October 2017
The project is financed by European Commission DEAR program, Europe Aid/151103/DH/ACT/Multi
It’s about a project which includes 15 partners from 12 EU states whose goal is the to develop European civil awareness and critical understanding of interdependent world and his role, responsibility and sense of development agenda as is set in the goals of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) through fostering global education quality.
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