WORTHY – WORld wars Toward Heritage for Youth


  • Project number:


  • Project Duration:

    36 months (1/9/2018 - 31/8/2021)

  • Project Holder:

    Comune di Vicenza, Italy

  • Project’s Total Value:

    € 383,034.00

The purpose of this project is to contribute to school programme modernisation needs through combining usual school skills with other skills such as digital competency, critical thinking, teamwork and cooperation skills, and to learn through experience about World War 1 and World War 2 subjects.

Young people age 13-19 and elementary and high school teachers

Project activities are focused on elementary and high school teachers, students age 13-19 and their families, historians and local cultural institutions, IT sector representatives, and people working with and for the youth.

  • Develop web platform which will serve as a library for the data and objects collected related to World War 1 and World War 2, and it will offer modern approach to learning about history
  • Organising training activities for teachers and educators, and designing a guide on how to teach about wars using new methods
  • Student exchange from five different European countries with the aim of exchanging experiences through workshops and war related discussions

Udruga za rad s mladima Breza (Croatia), Comune di Vicenza (Italy), Progetto Mondo Mlal (Italy),
Instituto technico commerciale G. Piovene (Italy), GRYD Ltd. (UK), Kepler-Gymnasium Pforzheim
(Germany) i Gmina Niepolomice (Poland).

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